"Thank you for the opportunity to be apart of your teaching, to gain knowledge of design and use of computers. Your work has helped me so much, I created a business website, used your techniques of organizing, and still use your resources to this day. In your class, I was writing a book. I know you always told me to publish it while I was still young, but it is now at it’s now at its peak state. It is currently in the process of being published. I was accepted into a high academic school, and now I am in the nursing program they offer. Your believe and faith in me has always kept me going in writing, in tech, and life. Thank you for being a outstanding teacher, you have changed the lives of many." Your favorite student, Barbaralyn C
"My name is Logan and I was in your computer class in middle school. I'm a 2023 graduate from Rampart High School, and I wanted to give you my thanks because I recently won Broadcast Journalist of the Year. Your computer class made me start a portfolio and I kept updating it after I left. Here is my winning portfolio if you want to check it out https://xams.tech/ I'll be going to UCCS studying computer science and focusing on cyber security, while minoring in film. I can't thank you enough for making me create a portfolio in middle school, because now I'm actually winning awards." Logan, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for everything you have done. You have spread so much joy and happiness to so many people, especially me. Just by being you, you are truly an amazing blessing and gift to this world and I am so grateful to have gotten the chance to have you as my teacher for both 7th and 8th grade. You have taught me so much and I will definitely miss you next year, but you will never be forgotten." Jada, Student, Colorado
I hope you've been doing well, and please continue to inspire students.
"You always find a way to make your students smile, including me. You are a fun and easy to talk to teacher. I always love your projects." Kaitlyn, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for being such a great teacher! You are such a funny and lighthearted person. You are my favorite teacher by far. " Logan, Student, Colorado
"I am so glad to be in your exploratory class. You are fair and kind. You teach us valuable things every day! So I just wanted to thank you." Esi, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for teaching us technology and giving us hope." Aidan, Student, Colorado
"I am always amazed at how willing you are to help others. The amount of information you share with our staff is above and beyond. Thanks for helping!" Brandi, Teacher, Colorado
"Thank you for helping me the other day with our Switch Zoo project. It meant a lot. You're the best teacher I have ever had. You make me smile every day with your videos and your smile, even when I feel tired or sad. Happy Valentines Day!" Jessica, Student, Colorado
"Your book has really helped out in my classroom! I also teach middle school computers and it's been a huge help!" John, Teacher, Arkansas
"When I walk into your room, I am inspired. When I wake in the morning, I think I want to be like you! You are my role-model and my superior. You are my hero." Vanessa, Student, Colorado
"I am talking to my husband about the class and can't stop raving. You have a true fan in me and you should think about spreading the word even more to other schools/teachers!" (Regarding my book class) Jennifer, Teacher, Colorado
"I bought your CD a few weeks back and I just wanted to tell you thanks – it is awesome! This is the kind of stuff I’ve tried to create myself but yours is a whole lot better and has taught me a ton about organizing my own lessons. I can’t wait to hear when the book comes out – thanks again for making this CD available to people like me!!!" Tina, Computer Applications Teacher, Iowa
"I was looking at your Google resources and WOW!!! You are amazing." Susan, Technology Coordinator New York
"I wanted to thank you for sharing your Google information with the Edtech group. I'm also a fan of your Kidsnetsoft site. I teach high-school art and computer literacy in Toronto and used your information on website evaluation and more. I appreciate all your contributions!" Shayne, Art and Computer Literacy, Toronto
"You always make class fun, interesting and most of all exciting." William, Student, Colorado
"You are the best computer teacher ever!" Kendall, Student, Colorado
"You are always willing to go the extra mile to make sure people know what they are doing." Annette, High School Teacher, Colorado
"Chris is a dynamic, interesting teacher with extensive background knowledge." Chelley, Drama Teacher, Colorado
"Thank you for everything you've done to make computer class the ultimate experience." Sarah, Student, Colorado
"Does your school realize how lucky they are to have you?" Phil, Librarian and Lesley Instructor, Colorado
"Her knowledge of instructional strategies in the curricular areas of technology and information literacy makes her an exceptional teacher." Joy, Principal, Colorado
"Thanks! I received your CD last week and have already started using some ideas! Thanks for making something organized and easy to use." Sharolyn, Teacher
"Thank you for teaching me technology. It is a fun class and you make it more fun. You are a great teacher. Keep up the great work." Alissa, Student, Colorado
"Thank you so much for everything you do for our school. You have a really fun class and I enjoy coming to it everyday. I never get bored. Maybe I get bored when we are typing, but you always put a smile on my face. I've always enjoyed working on computers, but you inspire me in ways I never imagined. Thanks again for everything." Isabel, Student, Colorado
"Ms. Clementi! I really enjoyed your class, it was the most fun I've ever had at school. I'll be sure to keep in touch with you in the future!" Angeline, Student, Colorado
"Thanks so much for helping me understand all about Photoshop. Without your videos and your help, I would be very confused. You're the best teacher ever. I love computer class so much. I wish this quarter would never end." Priscilla, Student, Colorado
"You are the best teacher in Mountain Ridge. Thank you for making technology the best exploratory I've had. You are really nice and funny. Technology is my favorite class." Matt, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for teaching me this year, you’ve been an amazing teacher." Chase, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for being the best technology teacher ever! I hope I am in your class next year!" Kayla, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for being such a great teacher. I really appreciate having your great class." Collin, Student, Colorado
"I just wanted to tell you that you are amazing for putting this Photoshop class together. I started this project last weekend and am just now getting to the Photoshop stuff. How fun Chris! This is too cool." Shannon, Teacher, Colorado
"Thank you so much for all the wonderful ideas you share with staff." Anonymous, Teacher, Colorado
"Thanks for all the wonderful things you do." Olivia, Student, Colorado
"You are the best computer teacher ever." Alex, Student, Colorado
"You are amazing! I hope I get you next year." Mikayla, Student, Colorado
"I love your e-mails, websites, texts, classes and anything else you send to the staff. Everything is super helpful. Sometimes I only wish I could put you in my pocket and take you out all day long to help me with my computer questions." Merry, Teacher, Colorado
"Thank you for being a wonderful computer teacher. You have taught me so much about computers and I know I will use it in the future." Kiersten, Student, Colorado
"I'm in awe! I want to thank you so much for your time, energy and brilliance! I can't wait to share all your gems of knowledge with my staff. You're amazing!" Terri, Teacher Librarian, Colorado
Chris is dedicated to keeping up with the latest technology and for being a resource for students and staff. Anonymous, Teacher, Colorado
Chris is a leader in the building. She has served a mentor to many new teachers and helped welcome them in the community so they feel embraced by their peers. Chris spent so much extra time modifying curriculum for students that needed it and because of that they feel successful and have something they are so proud of their 8th grade years. Danielle, Teacher, Colorado
"You are the funniest, most awesome teacher ever! Thank you for helping me learn tips and tricks that will help me in the future." Rohon, Student, Colorado
"I'm so glad that I ad you again this year. Your class is so fun, and I'm crossing my fingers that I'll have you next year. You're such a friendly and kind teacher and you always brighten my day with your hugs. I learn a lot in your class and I think it would be so cool to become a coder. Maybe I'll try to make an app or a game over the summer. Anyway, thanks for always making my day a little bit better." Rachel, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for helping me in your class and outside of class. You taught me to enjoy coding and Photoshop. And you taught me a lot about organization too. Thank you for everything." C.J., Student, Colorado
"Computer Design was very fun and educational for me. I have learned many thing and I have been shown things I did not know it. Computer class has this class as really changed me." Madison, Student, Colorado
"Out of all the exploratory teachers I've had, you are definitely one of the best. Your class is fun and you always bring a smile to my face." Brooke, Student, Colorado
"Your class is a great way to start the day and I love your videos. Thank you for being a terrific and empowering teacher." Alli, Student, Colorado
"Merry Christmas. You don't even know how much I'm going to miss your class next semester. You are an amazing teacher and I am beyond thankful for everything you do. I have learned so many skills in your class that I hope to continue on with throughout high school. Your class has been the best way to start the morning each day. I hope you have a great break and I promise I'll visit you next semester and in high school. Thank you for such an amazing learning experience." Rachel, Student, Colorado
"You are my most favorite teacher ever. I've always had so much fun in your class. You are always there for me whenever I have a problem. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you." Soumya, Student, Colorado
"You have taught me so much about how electronics work." Alex, Student, Colorado
"You are my favorite teacher because you are filled with kindness and love." Joaquin, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for helping me find out more about PowerPoint and for being a wonderful teacher." Ashley, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for making computer design so fun and every day I'm always excited for period 8 because computer design is so fun. Also, thanks for making me do all that Type to Learn because now I am pretty good at typing." Nuria, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for being a great teacher." Mohammed, Student, Colorado
"You have always kept me happy and helped me with computer design. Thank you for giving students the opportunity to learn in your class." Ruhan, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for being the best teacher in the school and teaching us tricks on the computer." Cohen, Student, Colorado
"Thank you so much for teaching me how to use computers. Don't tell anyone you are my favorite teacher. Thank you so much." Nadia, Student, Colorado
"Thank you Ms. Clementi for being kind to me every time I mess up something you always help me. I am always there to help you." Kam, Student, Colorado
"Thank you so much for all you did for me when I was in your class. I enjoyed it so much because I had the best teacher ever. I always look forward to going to your class." Neasa, Student, Colorado
"You have been so nice to me and Alex and everyone this quarter. I am glad I got you for this quarter." Holden, Student, Colorado
"You have taught me a lot through your videos. I think they are funny and you learn so much. I love learning how to make Minecraft videos." Madeline, Student, Colorado
"She is a fun teacher and taught me how to stay organized digitally. She also knows how to improvise when things aren't going the way they were supposed to." Anonymous Student, Colorado
"Relish the knowledge that your kids will have the best e-learning of any kids. You are the best!" Mary, Counselor, Colorado
"I know you said you’re getting close to retirement, but I think you should consider selling/consulting/etc. your ideas and products. These kinds of quality voice and choice projects for tech and gen ed classes alike are tough to find!" Lauren, Teacher, Colorado
"Thank you for an INCREDIBLE class! I learned so much from you, and I really appreciate all you have done for me! I hope I have you for a teacher next year too! I hope you have an amazing summer! Thank you again!" Ellie, Student, Colorado
"Thank you so much, Ms. Clementi you are a fun, encouraging and an amazing teacher! Thank you again for everything you do." Amy, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for the wonderfully amazing year!! It was so fun and every class I couldn’t wait to learn more from you. You made learning fun and I couldn’t have asked for a better Computer Design teacher. :) I loved all the memories that you made with the class! I wish quarantine wasn’t a thing because I didn’t get to hear you teaching and sharing memories! I hope you have a wonderful Summer Break! I’ll miss you and I can’t wait to see you next year! Anica, Student, Colorado
"Thank you so much for showing me how to use screencastify. I had a lot of fun making the video. I hope you have an amazing Labor Day weekend. You are such an amazing teacher and I am so lucky to have you." Shayna, Student, Colorado
"It was so fun being in your class I learned so many things I can’t even count how many things I learned in your class, thank you so much." Mohammed, Student, Colorado
"I’m Lucas Miller’s mom, and I just wanted to let you know that Lucas absolutely loves your class. You have definitely made a positive impact on him, and he mentions your assignments often. I think it has really helped him keep a positive attitude during everything with COVID especially. I’m so thankful to see him excited about class." Mom, Colorado
"I just want to say thank you for helping us all the time. Your truly a great teacher one of our favorites. I appreciate having you as one of teachers during this crazy time. Need more teachers like you." Mom, Colorado
" I just wanted to say I have enjoyed being in your class so much. It was definitely my favorite class! You have been an amazing teacher even with all the crazy stuff that has been happening. You have taught me so much and I will use the things you taught me throughout my whole life. Thank you for being a fantastic teacher and making me smile every class!" Aalyia, Student, Colorado
"I'm not sure if you remember me, but I was a student in your class many years ago(2012ish). I just wanted to reach out and thank you. Your class, and you in general pushed me to keep pursuing my love of technology. I just accepted my first job as a software engineer, last week. I feel as if it weren't for your support during those important years of my life, I may be on a very different career path." Justin, former student, Colorado
"I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you as my computer design teacher for the second semester. Though the lessons can be challenging and frustrating, I think that the skills we learn are really cool and that they are things that I can carry on with." Avalyn, student, Colorado
"Ms. Clementi, thank you so much for the amazing computer design class. You're a really good teacher and I love how much effort you put in your videos." Madison, Student, Colorado
"Thank you Ms. Clementi for being a great teacher. I love my first period because it's very fun. I may be tired in the morning, but I look forward to your class. I love how I can be involved n that class and talk to my friends and teacher freely. I think you should keep up the good work." Dahlia, Student, Colorado
"Thank you so much for being such a great teacher." Sofia, Student, Colorado
"Thanks for being a wonderful teacher. You are my favorite teacher. I have enjoyed being in your class." Emily, Student, Colorado
"You have been an amazing teacher and you will be missed a lot. You helped a lot on assignments and helped by grading when we emailed you. You have made class fun this semester and I look forward to going to your class. You help us by making videos for instruction." Isabella, Student, Colorado
"Dear Ms. Clementi, you are the best teacher I have ever had. I like you because you do computer design and you do cool projects. I will miss you." Caleb, Student, Computer Design
"I'm happy that your my teacher. I enjoyed every lesson you taught. As a role model, you inspired me to dream. Every day you are planting a seed of curiosity and motivation to learn and to grow for success." Amy, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for all the help you gave to Kendall this year. She loved your class so much and I hope to give her more opportunities to develop her design skills." Shelby, Mother, Colorado
"Thank you so much for all you do in computer design. My favorite unit so far was the animation unit. I hope that your retiring will go well." Elleena, Student, Colorado.
"Thank you for being a great Mountain Time teacher. I love having you every morning. You are my favorite teacher. You always make me feel better. Your the best school mom anyone could ask for. Never forget how important you are to so many different kids. Don't change a thing about you. If you are having a bad day, remember to say "Don't Worry, be Happy." Sophie, Student, Colorado
"Every once in a while I still look at the fabulous lessons you have created for students over the years. I was an English teacher who got the tech bug in the late 80's (I retired in 2017). I found your posts and projects so inspiring - and fun! Thank you for contributing so much to the ed tech world." Terry Roberts, Retired English Teacher
"You are so fun. Thanks for being my substitute. I am gonna miss you." Fiona, Student, Colorado
"Thank you for being our substitute for a month. Keep up the good work. You're awesome and I will miss you." Maelia, Student, Colorado.
"Thank you for teaching me this year. Your lessons are very engaging and more beneficial than just reading out of a book. Overall, you have been an amazing substitute." Willodean, Student, Colorado
"Happy retirement! Your the best teacher ever. I will miss you so much. Thank you for making 6th grade so special." Arianna, Student, Colorado