Google Drive Organization: Youtube video
Google Drive is an amazing file storage service developed by Google. It allows users to store files in the cloud. You can share those files with others, allow others to view your work and so much more. This Youtube video will demonstrate how to be more organized. You will learn how to locate missing files if you can't find them. You will learn how to put projects in logical folders so you can continue to stay organized. My Drive is packed with years worth of projects, so organization is critical in order to save time and locate lessons more quickly. This quick video will give you some tips about properly placing files in the correct folders. I can't imagine being disorganized as an educator, student or employee that has a lot of digital projects. Video Time 2:14
One of the first lessons I teach my students is to be organized. This is a skill that will save them time. I taught the same lesson to grades 6-8. This is truly a skill that needs to be reinforced in all classes and not just computer design. Unfortunately, many students would come to my class a year later and have a disorganized drive. I have found that students who are more organized have less difficulty navigating my class. The majority of my lessons reinforce organization. Students who skipped my videos tended to be less organized and their products were not near as good as the students who incorporated the tips from my digital instruction. This video will not only help students but also teachers. If teachers are aware of the importance of organization, they can encourage their students to continue to stay organized.